This morning I have woken up to wind and rain so i had a big stretch and made a cup of tea. We are heading into a busy month full of visitors, weddings, birthdays and Easter. This weekend is the last quiet one I am going to have for a wee while so i plan to make the most of it. Perhaps i will clean my flat or clean out my closet or go for a walk or catch up on some correspondence or maybe just eat a large portion of the 3 pound chocolate heart I have sitting here and watch the notebook for the 100th time. I'm not a betting woman, but if I was, I would put my money on the last option.
Above is an excerpt from the poem by E.E. Cummings called I carry your heart with me. I am sure many of you know this poem but if you have time, go back and read it again...it really is something special.
I have been working on getting a larger version of this print from the designer which I found on etsy (I heart etsy) for Sam as a gift since November. I have visions of it framed above our bed. What a lovely reminder it would give me everyday. The esty shop they come from is called project8256 if you want to go see her other work.
Toodles for now