Sunday, May 31, 2009

What a video!

We are in the midst of a great thunderstorm, hail and all. Nothing like a good downpour to clear the air and freshen up before the week begins. Sol is fast asleep enjoying a good snooze while mother nature takes care of some business.
I am relaxing in a rare quiet moment in this house with a cup of herbal tea and a piece of toast. In an uncharacteristic move, I stepped away from reality television to sit in the quiet and enjoy the storm.
We were married just over a year and a half ago now which means I need to let go of wedding planning once and for all. I still find myself looking at blogs and magazines for cool ideas even though mine is done and dusted. In my needless research I found this wedding video which is genius! I wish I had thought of doing it at my big day because I can't remember ever seeing a wedding video that I have smiled so much at. Whoever is next needs to do this!!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Half Birthday Boy

Yesterday celebrated six months with sweet sweet Sol. I can't believe a year ago I hadn't met this little man yet.
In the early hours of the morning when it's just the two of us in the quiet, I can't help but be overcome with love and gratitude for his presence in my life. The connection between mother and baby is nothing new, it's been going on forever, but somehow Sol manages to make me feel like the best mum and most important person in the world.
I always felt destined to be a parent and now that it has happened I can't imagine a job more important or rewarding than this one.
I count my blessing everyday. What a lucky lady!

S xx

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Like catching up with an old friend

So. After all this time I have decided to revisit the world of blogging. As much as i hate the fact that blogging in general has become a bit like scrapbooking (which I despise) I must admit I actually enjoy doing it. 
It has been a crazy 6 months since little Sol was born. We not only have entered the world of parenthood but we've also moved countries and started all over again. Somehow the thunder and I take things in our stride and carry on. Luckily, sunshine seems to be like crack for us and now the summer has hit we are motivated and excited. Forever the optimists, we believe everything will work out and we just need to be patient.
Anyhoo, Sol is an angel and makes our hearts swell every time we look at him. 
I will be adding photos and tidbits about his development as we go along. This will still be for cool shizzle I find online during nap time too.
I will post a link to this on facebook. It is also something I have a love/hate relationship with. I love all the photos and updates..I hate all the add ons and the "I'm a fan of" crapola. So and so is a fan of potatoes, so and so is a fan of sunshine...duh...we all are. Who cares. I'm a fan of a good bm but no one wants to know that! No need to share.
I hope friends and family can enjoy my silly little posts and it helps everyone keep tabs on what our whanau is up to.
Much love and belly laughs
Mama Cubis x

Here is a clip of Sol eating. Look at those gorgeous eyes!