I have been more than slack when it comes to blogging lately. I put it down to the little fella in my belly who is currently taking all of my focus. So, I thought today I would post a good bundle of info and cool
shizzle that I have found recently. First of all, I have to tell you about a blog that is new to me that I am loving. It's called hostess with the
mostess and the website is
www.hostessblog.com . She posts great ideas for parties, invites, gifts, food and drink. The archives are chock full of themes and decorating ideas to make any event an affair to remember! So much fun to look at and to plot and plan...I just wish I had a bridal shower or birthday to organize.

I found the photos above on
decor8It's really only a dream that I could have a white and neutral
pallete to work with in my home. I am pretty sure the thunder wouldn't be down with it as he is slightly obsessed with colour. I am completely taken with these images and think they inspire a lot of ideas. The contrast with the colorful objects makes for such a lovely, bright and clean feel. My love of old plates has been catered to with the large plate display cabinet. Gorgeous! I can just imagine waking up, throwing on a plush white robe and sipping a cup of
joe on a
sunday morning in that space. Dreamy.