Sunday, May 31, 2009

What a video!

We are in the midst of a great thunderstorm, hail and all. Nothing like a good downpour to clear the air and freshen up before the week begins. Sol is fast asleep enjoying a good snooze while mother nature takes care of some business.
I am relaxing in a rare quiet moment in this house with a cup of herbal tea and a piece of toast. In an uncharacteristic move, I stepped away from reality television to sit in the quiet and enjoy the storm.
We were married just over a year and a half ago now which means I need to let go of wedding planning once and for all. I still find myself looking at blogs and magazines for cool ideas even though mine is done and dusted. In my needless research I found this wedding video which is genius! I wish I had thought of doing it at my big day because I can't remember ever seeing a wedding video that I have smiled so much at. Whoever is next needs to do this!!

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