I am sitting here with a heat pack strapped to my shoulder and a travel pillow substituting as a neck brace. This is not a new problem but something stress related that has been brewing and seems to have decided to peak to new painful heights. Today is a day when the weight of the world feels heavier than normal and I am forced to dig deep and remember what is important in life. It
ain't easy..that's for sure! In my yoga practice yesterday a quote was read that mentioned something to the effect that holding on to frustrations just keeps them present longer in your life. So true so true. Though I try and stay positive, some days certainly challenge my own character and strength. I am not always proud of my choices but I do at least face up to them.
A good session of sitting down at looking at my old photos is ample therapy to start me on my path back to positivity. I need to stay focused and keep my eyes on the prize. Funny how little things can become so huge when your focus strays.
As images seem to in some way make me feel better, this site
www.itsprettygood.com is the tonic to my woes. Her beautiful images are vibrant and fun and brighten up the world. I suggest you bookmark it for a day like today.

Till next time when life will smell sweeter and look peachier through my rose tinted glasses. Hmmm... now where did I put those?
S x
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