Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Give a little bit

I am currently reading this book, Giving by Bill Clinton. I felt I needed to be a little inspired as I have long wanted to do some charity or community based work and haven't known where to start. This book is amazing. Not only are there amazing stories about huge Non profits impacting people all over the world but there are also inspiring stories of everyday people doing wonderful things. If you are looking for ideas I can't recommend this book enough!
One of my favourite mentions is of an organization I have been following for about 6 months. It's called Kiva  and it allows anyone from around the world to help give loans to people in countries where loans are impossible to get. Whether it be for a banana stall or a corner shop you can help someone get a start on making a better life for themselves and their families. The crazy thing about this NPO too is that 97% of the loans get paid back and when they do you can either take your money back or use it to help someone else. You can give anything from $25+ and the recipients write updates to keep you posted on how they are doing!
I have 100% been inspired to contribute in some way and I think I will have made my decision by the end of the book.
Giving is good.

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