Thursday, March 6, 2008

Get me one of these!

I know I am a total geek but is this not the best invention since the retractable sharpee?! I love highlighters and flag post its and now being able to use them both at once is a magical thing.
The people at post it are genius! I want the three pack...did I mention they are refillable?
I know you all want them now too! Go buy them on Amazon

That's all for now. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Funny enough but I have those polka dot wellies-only in Navy and white. They are pretty shnazzy if I do say so myself. I got them at Costco here in London about Christmas time-they have already come in very handy in the rain and doing my planting on ther veranda. I tend to make a mess and get dirt all over my feet.