Wednesday, March 19, 2008

We are on the cusp of Easter and oh what a yummy holiday it is! I have just been to the store to stock up on hot cross buns and chocolate for my hunnybun. The sun is still shining on us so the weekend looks to be filled with fishing, beach, food and frolicking.

I know Easter isn't directly related to cupcakes but I saw this one on Martha's website today and thought it was the cutest thing ever! You can click here to get the recipe. There has been a lot of cupcake chat over the last few months. Face it, everybody loves them and they are pretty much guilt free because if their tinsy tiny size. I made some just the other week to take to a dinner party that were inspired by the famous L.A. pioneers of cupcakes, Sprinkles. You can now buy sprinkle cupcake kits at William Sonoma. They make you look like a baking genius with practically no effort at all.

On that note I hope everyone has a good good friday. I will be sure to take a picture and post it if I happen to catch and impressive snapper tomorrow!

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